After Years In Dark Tunnels
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After Years In Dark Tunnels

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After Years In Dark Tunnels

After Years In Dark Tunnels is an exploratory platformer, featuring a dynamic narrative-collection mechanic, a “hope-balancing” mechanic, and multiple endings based on the player’s actions. Players play by platforming around the alien world, traversing its various obstacles, and collecting ship parts, dead crew members, ghosts of dead crew members, and crew member’s belongings. There are multiple ways the game can end, depending on what was collected, and what the player decides to do with the collected items and narratives. Collecting either raises or decreases the player’s “hope”, which has visual effects and an effect on the player’s movement. After Years In Dark Tunnels also has well-made sprited visuals and professionally-made haunting, atmospheric music, and a unique gameplay and visual style. After Years In Dark Tunnels makes full use of the Flixel flash API, and has an automatic Save/Load system that saves the game locally, allowing players to unlock all of the five endings.


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